Indias Best Coco Peat Products Providers

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Organic Substrates

We Organic Substrates & Fertilizers like to introduce our-self as Manufacturer & Exporter’s of Low EC Cocopeat,Seedling Disc/Plugs , cocopeat Decomposed Powder CoCoPeat is the binding material that comes from the fiber fraction of the coconut husk.

We are a professional outfit backed by 25 years of experience in horticulture using a variety of coconut husk based substrates. We are pioneers in this industry and market leaders. products are often referred to as the benchmark for other producers. Our innovative thinking helps us overcome new challenges in an ever increasing world of demands for new products, growing solutions and reliability of supply.

We will also work to ensure that our Products are 100% Bio-Degradable and promote Sustainable Agriculture practices. Our goal is to be a leader in Sustainable Coco Peat Production, and we will continue to invest in research and development to achieve this vision.

Our Specilization : in Seedlings Plugs/Pellets, Decomposed cocopeat Powder…..ideal for seed germination & used in large Commercial Productions

Applications of Coco Coir Peat

As a substrates in commercial plant cultivation, Hydroponics, Golf course greens, Potting mixes, Cut lowers, Propagating, Re-planting, Mushroom farming, Bonsai mixes, Turf farming, Garden beds, Bedding medium for Earth worms, Vegetable gardens, Rose cultivation and General garden uses.

  • As a Potting Mix

    Coir pith block can be used as potting medium. It can be mixed with required fertilizers and nutrients according to the type of plant to be grown.

  • For Mushroom Growers

    Coir pith blocks are being used by a lot of mushroom growers around the world for the large scale production of edible mushrooms.

  • As a Soil Supplement

    Re-hydrated coir block mixed with soil improves water holding capacity and aeration.

  • For Genarating Seeds

    Coir dust in starter containers speeds up germination and profuse rooting of the seedlings.

  • For Tissue Cltured Plant

    Wetted coir brick in poly bags encourages initial growth phase of tissue cultured plants and grafted seedlings.

Cocopeat Uses

Physical Properties

Chemical Properties

Roles in Garden Soil

  • Increased Air Porocity

    Coir being fibrous in nature holds many air pockets which helps the crops to root easily and profusely. This increases the surface area of root system thereby facilitating better absorption of nutrients from soil.

  • Good Water Retention

    Absorbs water rapidly and holds it for longer periods preventing desiccation of plants during hotter climates especially in tropical areas.

  • Eco Friendly Component of Soil

    Coir amended soil combats bacterial and fungal infections. Coir has a plant origin and therefore 100% bio degradable. Periodical release of nutrients from coir helps to keep the soil rich for all seasons.

  • Reduces Irrigation Frequency

    Irrigation of coir-grown plants may be done at longer intervals as the moisture holding capability of coir is high. IT CAN BE REUSED FOR UPTO 2 YEARS.

Cocopeat is  used as an alternative for peat moss. They are best used in large-scale nurseries, garden centers, large-scale commercial growers of flowers and fruits. They can also be loaded Unwrapped form, and loose stuffing w. The absence of plastic shrink means less disposal work making it convenient for the buyer. Shrink wrapped blocks can also be given on request.

Our Products Includes 5 kg Block & 650 gram Briquettes
Buffered Cocopeat Block ,De-composed cocopeat Powder , Cocopeat
Netted/Plain Disc.

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